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Ben Streeter: TeamMember


Graduate Student
Biochemistry, Cell, & Developmental Biology - Emory
Woodruff Fellow
AHA Predoctoral Fellow


I completed my undergraduate degree at the Johns Hopkins University majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology with a minor in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology. During my undergrad, I investigated the role of YAP/TAZ in regulating cell volume, the adaptability of E.coli strains through long-term evolution, identifying possible blood biomarkers in early onset pancreatic cancer patients, and developing protocols to recognize drug candidates using hESCs. For my PhD, I am mainly interested in studying the role of exosomes in cardiac repair on congenital heart disease patients. 

In my spare time, you can catch me training for a triathlon, rock climbing, or baking brazilian sweets!


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©2020 by Davis Lab

Georgia Tech and Emory University

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